Eclipse Immersion Jet

Current Version:2.6
Type:Nozzle Mixing
Number of Sizes:5 (2″, 3″, 4″, 6″, 8″)
Capacity Range:  190,000 to 8,000,000 (Btu/hr)
56 to 2344 (kW)
Turndown:7:1 minimum
Max. Process Temperature:200 – 400°F, 93 – 204°C
Fuels:Natural Gas, Propane, Butane
Typical Applications:
Wash and rinse tanks
Dip Tanks
Pickling Tanks
Spray Washers
Deep Fryers
Salt Baths
Quench Tanks
Key Attributes:
Up to 80% efficiency.Allows the use of smaller, lower cost tubes.

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